Sorry it took so long to get these out but I wasn't happy with the initial designs - but now they are looking good! Goes well with a combination of apparel items but probably looks best with a . The waist is elastic so you don't need a belt. Looks best if you wrinkle it a bit or they end up looking like two funnels.
Boots look fine with the Gaucho's but .|ガウチョパンツやっとできました。いろんなアパレルアイテムに似合いますが、一番似合うのはシンプルで。ウエストはゴムなのでベルトは必要ない。開封時は手でくしゅくしゅ感出した方が自然に見えます。ブーツと組み合わせでも行けますが、。